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Shenzhen pilot Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd.
Sales call: 0755-29036060
Technical telephone: 13652325692
URL: www.bjydjjzx.com
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Heat pump unit is what? What kind of chiller is called heat pump chiller?
2015-12-08 11:18:45領(lǐng)航制冷 admin
Heat pump type water chiller, also known as cold and warm type water chillers, cold and warm type unit can provide chilled water and hot water source is provided. Heat pump type water chiller, also known as cold and warm type water chillers, cold and warm type unit can provide chilled water and hot water source is provided.
Cold and warm type unit is commonly used in air-cooled unit or small air conditioning unit (such as a window type air conditioner, body air conditioner, cabinet type air conditioner, etc.). Cold and warm type unit, mainly through in the unit to increase a four-way diverter valves can change the refrigerant flow path, condenser used as evaporator evaporator into the condenser. The water inlet and outlet of the connection of the casing tube heat exchanger, that is, the chilled water and the hot water source.
Refrigeration loop flow: when the unit in the cooling condition, the compressor outlet of high temperature and high pressure gaseous refrigerant through the four-way diverter valve into the condensation heat exchanger. Condensation heat transfer become high-pressure liquid refrigerant and through the one-way valve into the liquid storage tank, through the throttle valve as pressure liquid coolant, through the one-way valve 4 into the sleeve type evaporator endothermic and variable for low pressure gaseous refrigerant and gas-liquid separator and a four-way valve to reach the compressor suction mouth, refrigeration cycle.
Heating loop process: when the unit in the hot state, an exhaust port of the compressor out of the high-temperature and high-pressure refrigerant through the four-way valve enters into the casing for the heat exchanger on high-pressure liquid, then through the one-way valve 2 into the liquid storage tank, through the throttle valve as pressure liquid coolant, through the one-way valve 3 to reach a fin type heat exchanger (i.e. refrigeration condenser heat absorption and evaporation into low pressure gaseous refrigerant and gas-liquid separator and a four-way valve to the compressor suction and complete the heating cycle.

Shenzhen navigation Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd.
Power words: 0755-29036060 13827421088
Fax: 0755-29400289

Address: Wai pilot Industrial Park Lake Community Guanlan Shenzhen

New District of Longhua City, under the
