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Shenzhen pilot Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd.
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Pilot Refrigeration: What is the temperature control range of industrial chillers?
2019-08-14 09:10:54領(lǐng)航制冷 領(lǐng)航制冷
Industrial water chillers are commonly used refrigeration equipment in industrial refrigeration industry. They are characterized by a wide range of types, complete models, affordable prices, special customization and wide application. More importantly, the industrial water cooler has high temperature control accuracy and wide temperature control range. So, what is the temperature control range of the industrial water cooler, and how to set the temperature?

1. High temperature industrial water chiller (5-30 C)
The chiller uses conventional refrigerants, which can control the temperature between 5 and 30 degrees Celsius. That is to say, when adjusting the temperature control range, the lowest temperature of industrial water chiller is set at 5 ~C and the highest temperature is set at 30 ~C, which is the most widely used temperature control range in the industry at present. However, there are some requirements to be controlled at 3 C, which need to be put forward and determined in the production of industrial water chiller schemes.

2. Medium Temperature Industrial Water Chiller (0-15 C)
It's a common sense for old people and children that water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius. If industrial chillers are required to provide low-temperature refrigerants below zero, can this be achieved? The answer is certainly yes, the temperature of medium-temperature industrial chillers can be set at 0 ~15 C, and the refrigerant can be calcium chloride (brine) or ethylene glycol aqueous solution. Water chilling unit

3. Low Temperature Industrial Water Chiller
It can provide low-temperature industrial water chillers below - 15 ~35 C, which are usually used in chemical and pharmaceutical industries for cooling reactor materials or condensation recovery of materials.

4. Deep and Low Temperature Industrial Water Chiller
Industrial chillers that can provide cryogenic refrigerants below - 35 C are called deep cryogenic industrial chillers. They use binary cascade or ternary cascade refrigeration systems, so they are also called cascade industrial chillers. Thus, the temperature control range of industrial water chillers is really very wide.

Because many customers are using industrial water chillers for the first time, they are not very familiar with the operation method. In fact, the temperature setting of industrial water chillers is very simple. Each industrial water chiller has a control panel, which is shown in Chinese and English. When setting the temperature, press the set button directly, and then press the up and down buttons to set the temperature. However, different types of industrial water chillers and different control panels are used, so the temperature settings of industrial water chillers are not necessarily the same.
Shenzhen navigation Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd.
Power words: 0755-29036060 13827421088
Fax: 0755-29400289

Address: Wai pilot Industrial Park Lake Community Guanlan Shenzhen

New District of Longhua City, under the
